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The Elegance Tamansari Water Castle Part II

This article is about continued from article “The Elegance Tamansari Water Castle”

Funtional of Tamansari

11. Gedong Madaran
It used to be a kitchen for sultan, his wife and relatives during their stay in is proven by the existence of chimney in the east wing and other structures like tables. It is located in the south eastof Gedong Carik and in the west of ledoksari. It is divide into six rooms connected with doors and equipped with windows. The north structure of the wall is merged with fence which stretches from Gedong Carik.

12. Pasiraman Umbul Sari
This building is bathing place whichis located exactly in the south of gedong Blawong or in the same block of Pasarean ledoksari. There is a plastering passageto access it from Gedong Blawong.

13. Gedong Blawong
Located in thesouth of Pasarean Ledoksari, this building was used to prepare meals for Sultan, his wife and also his relatives during their stay in Pasarean Ledoksari.

14. Gedong Garjitawati
It used to be a place for servant who were on duty to serve Sultan araound the Pasarean Ledoksari. Thel location of thus building is on the northern part of pool.

15. Gedong Carik
In addition to entrance gate to Pasarean ledoksari and Gedong Madaran, it was used as secretarialand bureaucratic office the stay of Sultan in Tamansari. It also functioned as a gate to access Pasarean Ledoksari and Gedong Madaran.

16. Pongangan or Dermaga Peksi Beri (Pongangan Barat)
It used to be pier or a place of boats to dock particularly for sultan and his relatives. The name “Pongangan or Dermaga Peksi Beri” was based on the decoration (Beri Bird) found on the rooftop. The north part of this building was an open space with fences functioned as a pier.

17. Pongangan Timur
It functioned as a pier especially for the servants boats. Located on the southern part of segaran wall or on the east side of the gate which leads the underground tunnel.

18. Gerbang Sumur Gumuling

There are two main entrance gates to access Sumur Gumuling. Nowadays, the east gate situated in the west of pulo kenanga is the only main entrance since the west entrance gates is in ruin.

19. Sumur Gumuling
This building was used as a mosques or a place for religious service. It was proven with existence of the mihrab or a small niche guilding worshipper toward Mecca. This building is two-storied circular structure.

20. Pulo Panembung (Sumur Gumantung)
It was built as the place for Sultan to meditate. The word “Panembung” comes from the Javanese word “tembung or nembung” which means to implore/beg the Almighty God. This building is located between Pulo Kenanga and Marigi Inggil on the west side of Segaran fence.

21. Pulo Kenanga
It is the highest building in the complex. This building was designed as the resting place and arts exhibitions such as dancing and batik crafts. The top of the building was used to see the panorama of Tamansari complex and surrounding Palace. the name kenanga comes from cananga trees planted in the yard surrounding the building. The flowers emit a deep fragrance.

One of the most important places in Tamansari is the bedroom of Sultan (Pajungutan Dalem). A sengkala or a javanese chronogram : pujining brahmana ngobahke pajungutan indicates the completion of the construction of this building in 1687 Javanese year or 1761 AD. The completion of other main buildings and gates of Tamansari was marked by the sengkala; Lajering Kembang Sinesep peksi, denoting the Javanese year of 1691or abaout 1765 AD. The reliefs that show birds siphoning honey from floery trees can be found on some walls and gates.


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